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Registered Case Supervisor - Renewal Form

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Thank you for deciding to renew your Registered Case Supervisor award

In order to renew your award, you will need to demonstrate that you have completed 16 hours of CPD. If you have renewed your Registered Practitioner award within the last 2 months, we will already have this. If not, you will need to ensure your records are up to date before continuing with the form.

In order to update your CPD records, Click HERE

You will also be required to evidence that you have been delivering regular supervision. Please ensure you record these under the option  ‘Registered Case Supervisor - Supervision Delivered’

In order to update your supervision records, Click HERE

Please ensure your records are up to date before continuing.

PLEASE NOTE: It is essential that once you've updated your records, you return to this form and submit it, this triggers your assessment

If you have any questions about the form or cannot access the members area of the website, please contact us at

Finally, you will need to have one example of a redacted case supervision record that you have delivered in the last 12 months, ready to upload.

This form does not need to be completed in one session, you can use the 'Save Draft' button at the bottom of the screen and return to it by clicking on the 'Registered Case Supervisor - Renewal Form' link in the 'Registered/Accredited Practitioner' menu in the 'My Account' section at any time.

N.B. Your completed renewal form has only been submitted once you have clicked the 'Submit' button and you have received the 'Thank you for submitting.....' message.

Please note that all sections marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and will need to be completed in order to submit the form.

To remain as a Registered Case Supervisor, you must be a Registered Advanced Practitioner and be facilitating restorative case supervision. By selecting 'Yes' you are confirming that this is the case.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc xls xlsx.

The Assessment Refund Policy can be found HERE

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Monthly Bulletin - October 2024

Download our Monthly Bulletin - October 2024



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Registered Training Provider - Renewal Form

1 Start 2 Invoicing details 3 Complete

Thank you for deciding to renew your Registered Training Provider award

We need to capture some information to start your renewal. Within this form we will be asking you to provide the following information: 

  • A list of your current trainers
  • CPD records covering the past 12 months for each of your trainers
  • Details of the courses delivered over the past 12 months
  • Details of how you have evaluated your restorative practices
  • Your training delivery priorities for the coming year

The information you provide will be used by your assessor to determine whether any additional evidence will be required to process your renewal application. If this is the case, your assessor will contact you to arrange a time to discuss what additional assessment needs to be undertaken. 

You must login to your RJC account to be able to complete this form and successfully upload the required files LOGIN NOW

If you have any questions about the form, please contact us at

Please confirm the names of the trainers currently employed by your organisation. This should include trainers who are employed by you and those who may train on your behalf as a freelance trainer.

You will be asked to upload a CPD log for each trainer unless they are an RJC Registered Practitioner who has renewed their award within the last 2 months. If you are unsure whether they have recently renewed, please select 'NO' when asked below as incorrect information could delay your renewal.

You can click on the link below to download the CPD log form. Please complete this and then upload for each required trainer.

Download blank CPD form


Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png doc docx xls xlsx.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png doc docx xls xlsx.

Please provide a list of the courses you have delivered over the past 12 months.

Please download the Course Delivery Record form by clicking HERE

Please then upload the completed form:

Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: doc docx.
Please outline what quality assurance activities you have undertaken over the past 12 months to ensure that your training is in line with current RJC Practice Guidance.
Please describe what you have learnt from your evaluations and, if development areas were identified, what actions you have taken to address these.

The Assessment Refund Policy can be found HERE

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Lead Practitioner Restorative Solutions

9 October 2024

About the post

We have an opportunity for a part time role to work with us to develop and deliver our Restorative Justice (RJ) Service across Merseyside.

We are looking for an individual with a track record of work in restorative practices, experience of work in multi-agency partnerships across the criminal justice sector, and of working with volunteers.
RJ Lead Practitioner

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Monthly Bulletin - September 2024

Download our Monthly Bulletin - September 2024


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The RJC Supports the Liberal Democrats' Amendment: A Call for Restorative Justice

James Simon
16 September 2024

In the face of a pressing prisons crisis in England and Wales, the Liberal Democrats’ proposal to develop and expand restorative justice schemes as a viable alternative to short custodial sentences, represents a crucial step towards creating a more humane and effective criminal justice system.

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Best Practice Guidelines - Requirements for RJC-Endorsed Case Management Software

The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) is dedicated to promoting best practices in restorative justice and ensuring the safety, security, and efficacy of restorative practices across organisations, services, and individuals. 

To this end, the RJC endorses specific management information systems that adhere to our Best Practice Guidelines. These systems must be designed to facilitate safe practice, ensure correct data collection and storage, and meet GDPR and confidentiality laws, thereby supporting standardised data reporting across multiple sectors. 

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Monthly Bulletin - August 2024

Download our Monthly Bulletin - August 2024


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27 August 2024

Why me? is now seeking three new Trustees to join our Board and support the growth and development of our small and impactful organisation.


About the post

Why me? is a leading national charity in the promotion and delivery of Restorative Justice in the UK. The organisation has a successful track record in championing the voices of people affected by crime and conflict and communicating to the public, professionals and policy-makers the power and potential of Restorative Justice.

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Prodigal Monster Documentary drama










Therapeutic productions presents the documentary drama version of the Prodigal monster, the story of a young man's path to criminal and mental health rehabilitation after a lifetime of emotional stars. we see him heal through engagement in a range of services.



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