
Ministry of Justice evaluation: implementing restorative justice schemes (Crime Reduction Programme) third phase report

This third report from the evaluation of three schemes from the Centre for Criminological Research at the University of Sheffield showed that 85% of victims and 80% of offenders were satisfied with their experience of a restorative justice conference. 

Philosophical Legal Aspects of Changing the Dominant Understanding of the Law as a Requirement for Implementing Restorative Justice in Ukraine

This is the first philosophical article about law and restorative justice ever written by a Ukrainian prosecutor (Oleksii Geselev), following August 2008's obligatory recommendations from the General Prosecutor of Ukraine to apply victim-offender mediation programmes and expand alternatives to cr

Cutting crime: the case for justice reinvestment

In January 2010, the Justice Committee of the House of Commons published their report on justice reinvestment. In the context of their wider argument for government to invest in initiatives which prevent crime, the report cites evidence supporting further investment in restorative justice.

An Eventful Journey – Restorative Justice and Leicestershire Police

This resource charts PC Sandie Hastings' journey since her first training course with Thames Valley Police in 1999, detailing the meteoric development of restorative justice in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Punishing costs report – New Economics Foundation

The 2010 New Economics Foundation (NEF) Punishing costs report recommends better use of restorative justice interventions – one of which NEF estimates would lead to savings of £60 million per year.

Time for a fresh start: The report of the Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Antisocial Behaviour

The Commission's 2010 inquiry was prompted by concern about deep-rooted failings in the response to antisocial behaviour and crime involving children and young people. 

Mediating Criminal Domestic Violence Cases: How Much is Too Much Violence?

A dispute settlement service in North Carolina was asked in 2002 by the jurisdiction in one county to mediate cases involving charges of 'assault on a female' brought to the district criminal court.

An International Review of Restorative Justice

In September 2001, the Home Office released two studies on the use of restorative justice.

United Nations basic principles on the use of restorative justice in penal matters

At a UN meeting in April 2002, a resolution was passed that puts restorative justice officially on the international map.

Meeting the challenges of introducing victim-offender mediation in Central and Eastern Europe

This report summarises the results of the AGIS project on meeting the challenges of introducing victim-offender mediation in Central and Eastern Europe (JAI/2003/AGIS/088) that the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice coordinated between December 2003 and November
