Training Provider Registration Framework
This Framework sets out how training providers should work. It is broken into five performance indicators with each indicator consisting of several standards which outline the requirements organisations are required to evidence.
1 - Course design and inclusive provision
1.1 - Delivering inclusive and accessible training
1.2 - Meeting learner needs
1.3 - Designing course materials
2 - Trainer expertise
2.1 - Trainer skills and experience
2.2 - Developing and maintaining trainer competence
2.3 - Managing performance
3 - Training delivery
3.1 - Learner recruitment
3.2 - Safe and responsive training
3.3 - Assessing learning
3.4 - Providing post course support to learners
4 - Evaluation, reflection and improvement
4.1 - Quality assuring delivery
4.2 - Gathering learner feedback
4.3 - Continuous improvement
5 - Maintaining professional standards
5.1 - Adhering to the RJC’s Trainers Code of Practice