Strengthening the Victims and Prisoners Bill to improve access to restorative justice: A briefing for parliamentarians

This briefing provides reasoning for the enhancement of the Victims and Prisoners Bill. Its purpose is to ensure that all victims of crime have access to high-quality restorative justice services at a local level. The Restorative Justice Council (RJC) believe this can be achieved through supporting two key amendments to the Bill:

  • The right for victims to be referred to a local restorative justice service to obtain information about restorative justice
  • The right to access high-quality restorative justice through the registration of commissioned services.
Resource themes: 
Courts and sentencing, Criminal justice, Offenders, Police, Prison, Probation, Sensitive and complex, Victims
Resource categories: 
Criminal Justice - Adult, Criminal Justice - Youth, Policing & PCC's, Policy - Government, Policy - RJC