Restorative Justice Week 2022 Communication Resources

Restorative Justice Week 

20-26 November 2022

This year's Restorative Justice Week will take place the 20-26 November 2022!

Over the past two years we have all experienced unprecedented challenges, but we have also witnessed many examples of communities coming together to provide support, heal and rebuild. Despite this, we are still living in troubled times. We are increasingly seeing cases of interpersonal violence within our communities and find ourselves in times where war, conflict and organised violence are becoming more commonplace. Class, gender, generational, religious, race, political and social polarisation continue to leave our communities divided and disconnected and the notion of a ‘just society’ all the more out of reach.

As a key theme for this year's Restorative Justice Week (#RJWeek) the RJC will highlight the potential for restorative justice and practices as an approach to building resilience within our communities thus the focus of our Annual Conference to launch this year's Restorative Justice Week will be Living in Trouble Times: Restorative approaches to building resilience.

We invite our members to use this week for celebration, raising awareness and to organise their events or campaigns linked to this topic, as a shared message is more remarkable. Restorative Justice Week provides a unique opportunity to focus public attention on restorative justice. To maximise this message we would encourage you to follow the 3 simple tips below:

  • Download the Restorative Justice Week 2022 graphics below and use them to promote and communicate your event/s. 
  • Use #RJWeek and #RJWeek2022 in social media posts to communicate your event.
  • Tag @RJCouncil and @RJAPPG into Twitter posts - we will happily retweet.

Twitter Banner - download below

Facebook Cover - download below

Social Media Graphic - download below

Instagram Graphic - download below

As always, the RJC will promote and give visibility to its members' contribution to the week. Please contact if you:

  • Need advice on organising or promoting your Restorative Justice Week event 
  • Want to publicise your Restorative Justice Week activity within our networks or communications
  • Want to publish your Restorative Justice Week event on our website or other communication channels
  • Want just to inform us about your Restorative Justice Week initiative or have other questions about the this year's Restorative Justice Week
Resource categories: 
Criminal Justice - Adult, Criminal Justice - Youth, Education, Health, Practice Standards, Resources - Downloadable, Restorative Cities, Social Care