Letter from justice minister highlighting restorative justice training and registration opportunities

In 2011, Crispin Blunt MP, parliamentary under-secretary of state for justice, wrote to a wide range of partners in the criminal justice system to raise awareness of opportunities for building capacity and capability for restorative justice.

The minister announced the availability of free training in restorative justice and advice on building capacity and capability to deliver it within the National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The training and advice was to be delivered by Restorative Solutions CIC and Thames Valley Partnership Restorative Justice Services and was joint-funded by a NOMS grant to build capacity for restorative justice with the Monument Trust.

In addition, free training was to be available from Restorative Solutions for local areas seeking to build capacity to deliver restorative justice in neighbourhoods to deal with crime, antisocial behaviour and disorder. The letter suggested that this training may be helpful for areas seeking to develop Neighbourhood Resolution Panels (also known as Community Justice Panels).

Turning to practitioner registration, the minister described the Restorative Justice Council (RJC)'s Practitioner Register as an important tool to ensuring quality of standards which will provide the public with reassurance that restorative justice is a safe and positive process for them to take part in. The minister strongly encouraged all staff delivering restorative justice to the public to join the RJC Practitioner Register.

The letter was sent to NOMS senior managers, Youth Offending Teams, Local Criminal Justice Boards, Community Safety Partnerships and local authorities. 

Resource themes: 
Criminal justice
Resource categories: 
Policy - Government, Policy - RJC, Practice Standards