Resolution Online

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Zero Tolerance and Tackling Racism Restoratively in UK Education

James Simon
16 October 2020

Of course, the premise we start from in any response to racism is zero tolerance: it is unacceptable, it is abhorrent.The trouble is, racism is everywhere, and cannot always be separated out, it must be detected ‘in and amongst’ other aspects of communication and relationship.

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Facilitating safe and effective restorative practice online

James Simon
16 October 2020

 As we continue to navigate our way through the Covid-19 pandemic, online working continues to play a major part of our day to day routines. We have all had to adapt to this new way of working and the restorative community were quick to respond to ensure a continuity of service.

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Using Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence

James Simon
28 September 2020

We were recently asked our views on whether now is the right time to engage with the National Police Chiefs' Council to review their guidance on the use of the restorative justice in cases of domestic violence. Members' were concerned that the existing guidance, originally produced by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), is not consistently being implemented which has, understandably, created confusion amongst practitioners.

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The 2nd Annual Restorative Justice Council Conference

James Simon
14 September 2020

EXTENDED | Call for abstracts

Thank you to all those who have submitted abstracts to present at our 2nd Annual Restorative Justice Council Conference. We have an exciting programme planned for the 2-days however, to ensure we deliver a well balanced conference we will be extending our call for abstracts until the 24th September 2020. 

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Restorative Now awarded Registered Training Provider Status

James Simon
12 August 2020

The RJC are pleased to announce that Restorative Now have been awarded Registered Training Provider status.

Long standing members of the RJC, Restorative Now, are the first training provider to transfer from our Training Provider Quality Mark (TPQM) to the RJC’s newly launched Registered Training Provider status.

Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive said:

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The 2nd Annual Restorative Justice Council Conference

James Simon
31 July 2020

Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th November 2020

The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has brought into stark relief the altruism of many who work for essential services and the deep-rooted structural violence endured by many communities within our societies. Restorative justice principles and practices can play a significant role in making our ‘systems’ much more person-centred and a means of building resilient and stronger communities and families. Thus, the focus of the 2nd annual RJC conference is ‘Reform: Restore’.

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RESTORE - A collaborative approach to the application and implementation of Restorative Practice schools in the time of Covid19

James Simon
1 July 2020

The time of (inter)national crisis requires dialogue and responsiveness to one another’s needs. Restorative practice offers an active space in civil society to help people and communities hear and heal. RESTORE has been collaboratively developed by a collective of restorative practitioners, researchers and activists in education to address these needs in education settings.

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Can online practitioner training be effective?

James Simon
28 May 2020

There is no doubt that lockdown has had a huge impact on the restorative work being undertaken across the globe. It has meant that service providers and practitioners have had to adapt quickly; finding new ways to work within the new virtual world we find ourselves in.

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Consultation on Improving the Victims’ Code - Our Response

James Simon
25 May 2020

The Victims’ Code is the statutory document which sets out the minimum level of services that victims of crime should receive from criminal justice agencies and other organisations in England and Wales. It came into effect in 2006, having been required by the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. It built on the support for victims within the Victims’ Charter, which was introduced in 1990 and which set out for the first time the levels of service victims of crime should expect. The Code was updated in 2013 and again in 2015.

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Keeping restorative justice on the agenda

James Simon
21 May 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a swift and immediate impact on the delivery of restorative justice across the United Kingdom. It has led to many service providers facing significant operational challenges and a need for practitioners to quickly adapt the way in which in they work to ensure that they can continue to support service users during lockdown. It is not unusual for practitioners to have to be adaptable; the environment in which we work often leads us to amend they way in which we work to ensure that participant needs are met.
