Resolution Online

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Restorative South Yorkshire awarded Registered Service Provider status

James Simon
8 March 2023

The RJC is pleased to announce that Restorative South Yorkshire have been awarded Service Provider status.

The service, which is delivered by Remedi and funded by South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the Yorkshire and the Humber Probation Service, provides opportunities for those harmed by crime and those responsible for the harm to communicate in a safe environment with the support of trained facilitators.

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Call for Abstracts - First Annual Northern Ireland Restorative Conference

James Simon
25 February 2023

The importance of restorative justice in creating sustained change and resilient communities

Friday 15th September 2023, Stormont Hotel, Belfast

The RJC are delighted to be hosting our first annual Northern Ireland Conference in Belfast on Friday 15th September 2023.

During this one-day conference, we will be focusing on the following themes:

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Have your say in the future direction of the RJC

James Simon
21 December 2022

The Restorative Justice Council is pleased to announce that starting in January 2023 we are conducting an evaluation of our organisation. This evaluation is being set up to better understand how we are delivering our key services and how well the membership and outside stakeholders assess our performance against our charitable objectives.

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Brunel University London awarded Registered Training Provider status

James Simon
28 October 2022


The RJC is pleased to announce that Brunel University London have been awarded Registered Training Provider status with course approval.

Brunel first introduced restorative practice training into the educational degree syllabus in 2013 with the introduction of their ‘working restoratively with children and young people’, as part of undergraduate BA Education degree programme.

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Justice Committee Report backs RJC’s concerns about the Victims Bill

James Simon
30 September 2022

Today the Justice Select Committee has published its report on the draft Victims Bill which the Government published on 25 May 2022. The Committee’s pre-legislative scrutiny of the Bill was a very welcome move, but the Government needs to move quickly to give reassurance that it will present the long-delayed Victims Bill soon to Parliament and that it will take account of the Justice Committee’s comments.

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Dame Vera Baird announces resignation as Victims Commissioner

29 September 2022

Dame Vera Baird has announced her resignation as the Victims Commissioner - her last day in office is to be Friday 30 September. Her office tweeted her letter of resignation to the new Secretary of State for Justice, Brandon Lewis MP, on Friday 23 September. Dame Vera’s term of office was due to end last June. Whilst previous Commissioners have had this extended for a second term automatically, the Government announced early this year that it would be conducting a full-scale recruitment process. However, the last Secretary of State Dominic Raab encouraged Dame Vera to apply.

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Evidencing Success and Successful Evidence in Restorative Work: Developing Models of “Effectiveness”, “Efficiency”, and “Impact

James Simon
23 September 2022

Benjamin Fisk has been funded by the Restorative Justice Council and University of Gloucestershire to undertake a PhD titled “Evidencing Success and Successful Evidence in Restorative Work: Developing Models of “Effectiveness”, “Efficiency”, and “Impact”. Here he outlines what his research involves and some of the issues it is investigating.

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Mounts Bay Academy awarded Registered Restorative Organisation status

James Simon
25 July 2022

The RJC is pleased to announce that Mounts Bay Academy have been awarded Registered Restorative Organisation status.

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The Laleham Gap School awarded Registered Restorative Organisation status

James Simon
21 July 2022

The RJC is pleased to announce that Laleham Gap School have been awarded Registered Restorative Organisation status.

Laleham Gap School is a Foundation, Communication and Interaction Special School for pupils aged from 4 to 17 years of age. Most pupils have a diagnosis of Autism and have an education, health and care plan.
