Released today, the Sky Original film ‘Mass’ tells the story of Jay and Gail Perry, parents grieving the death of their son, a victim of a school shooting. Six years after the tragedy, they agree to meet the parents of the perpetrator.
The two sets of parents (Jason Isaacs and Martha Plimpton, Reed Birney and Ann Dowd) agree to talk privately in an attempt to move forward and repair harm caused. Fran Kranz, in his writing and directing debut, thoughtfully examines a journey of grief, anger and acceptance experienced during the restorative meeting.
The RJC is pleased to announce that Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland have been awarded Registered Service Provider status.
Having first been awarded the Restorative Standards Quality Mark (RSQM) in 2018, Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland have continued to offer high quality restorative justice across the Cleveland Police Force Area.
The RJC is pleased to announce that Restorative Solutions North Yorkshire Restorative Justice Service have been awarded Registered Service Provider status.