PCC contacts

If you live in England or Wales, you will have a local Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) who may be able to help you get in touch with your nearest restorative justice service provider. Use the directory below to find a PCC near to you that can help you with this.

If the PCC in your area is not listed here, a number of RJC Registered Services across England and Wales can also help victims access restorative justice.

Our FAQs could help with questions you might have about restorative justice.

PCCS: If any of the details below are incorrect, please email the team at enquiries@restorativejustice.org.uk

Devon and Cornwall PCC

Miss Elizabeth Howard

01872 323888

Dorset PCC

Helen Fletcher

01202 229094/229084

Gloucestershire PCC

Ms Becky Beard

Gwent PCC

Johanna Robinson

0300 1232133

Leicestershire PCC

Victims First

01772 742353

North Wales PCC

Mrs Alex Challinor

Northamptonshire PCC

Restorative Northamptonshire


Police Fire and Crime Commissioner - Essex

Ms Emma Goddard