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Home Affairs Select Committee Enquiry into Sentencing – RJC response

The RJC's response to the Home Affairs Select Committee Enquiry into Sentencing from March 2007. 

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Engaging Communities in Criminal Justice – RJC response

The RJC's response to Engaging Communities in Criminal Justice from July 2009.

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RJC Schools Briefing December 2011

The use of restorative justice in schools has shown that when used as part of a school’s discipline system, it enables pupils to be accountable and promotes responsible citizenship.

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Letter from justice minister highlighting restorative justice training and registration opportunities

In 2011, Crispin Blunt MP, parliamentary under-secretary of state for justice, wrote to a wide range of partners in the criminal justice system to raise awareness of opportunities for building capacity and capability for restorative justice.

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RJC response to Punishment and Reform: Effective Community Sentences

Our response to the report Punishment and Reform: Effective Community Sentences. The RJC highlights the benefits of pre-sentence restorative justice, and calls on the government to enact legislation to support the use of restorative justice.  

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RJC Inclusive Restorative Practice Conference – workshop presentations

At the Restorative Justice Council (RJC)'s Inclusive Restorative Practice Conference, workshops sought to address some of the potential barriers to participation – ensuring through good practice that restorative processes are open to all.

The day's workshops included:

A: Restorative practice: meeting special needs in criminal justice and in education settings (Bonita Holland, former director of Ark Plus, and Jenny Talbot, Prison Reform Trust)

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Restorative approaches in Norfolk annual report 2011-12

Norfolk aims to be a Restorative County by 2015. It aims to do this by building on momentum from the success of restorative justice approaches that have already been used in criminal justice, children’s residential units, schools and communities.

Its achievements and vision are laid out in their 2011-12 annual report. The year saw many key achievements mainly focused on the ongoing training and development of staff across services in the county, including the use of an online module for broad access.

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Resolution #45 Autumn 2012

Download issue #45 of our Resolution magazine

Members can access this download by clicking here

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Resolution #46 Winter 2013

Download issue #46 of our Resolution magazine

Members can access this download by clicking here



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