Vote in the RJC's trustee election

node leader
11 November 2015

Voting is now open in the 2015 election for the RJC’s board of trustees. The board is the RJC's governing body and plays a vital role in guiding our work. The elections are your chance to have a say in who carries out this important role.

The RJC board is made up of a maximum of seven membership trustees elected from and by the membership and six council trustees appointed for their specialist skills and experience.

There are three vacancies this year for membership trustees and five members standing for election. They are Wendy Freshman, John Gunner, Michael Ledwidge, Mick Levens and Amanda Williams. More information on each candidate is included in the Trustee nomination brochure.

In addition, Geoff Dobson OBE has completed his first term as a council trustee and we are delighted that he is putting himself forward for a second term. You are invited to ratify his reappointment, which has the unanimous support of the RJC’s board.

To find out more about the candidates please download the Trustee nomination brochure, available below. You can also find out more about all our existing trustees here.

Only RJC members can vote in the election. To vote, please download and complete the voting form – available below – and email it to or return it by post to Jon Collins at Restorative Justice Council, Beacon House, 113 Kingsway, London WC2B 6PP, to arrive no later than noon on Monday 16 November 2015.

Alternatively you can vote at the RJC’s AGM on 18 November 2015. You can find out more about the event and register to attend here