Multi Site Membership

A Multi Site membership is ideal for organisations who deliver their services at multiple locations. The Multi Site membership allows each additional location to hold their own Organisational Membership at a reduced fee and is open to those organisations with less than 20 FTE employees per each individual site. If you have more than 20 FTE employees per site then you would need to apply for a Large Organisational Membership HERE

Your membership will help us to campaign for the widespread use of restorative justice, raise the profile of restorative justice in the media and with the public and enable victims to access restorative justice wherever and whenever they need it.

All organisational members will have the opportunity to be included in our Members Register.

Those organisations who hold one of the RJC's Registration or Accreditation awards will also be included on either the Registered Restorative Organisation, Registered Service Provider or Registered Training Provider register.

Interested in becoming a Registered Restorative Organisation, Registered Service Provider or Registered Training Provider? Find out more HERE

At the RJC, our primary aim is to prioritise the needs and concerns of our members by delivering intelligent insights that have a real, lasting impact on the restorative sector. Your membership will help us to unlock the full potential of restorative practice, in all its forms, to address complex social challenges.

In return, our members enjoy a range of benefits, including:

An organisational membership also provides some benefits for your practitioners without them being individual members.

Each site would receive up to 10 logins for our website and event discounts for up to 5 people.

Once we have received your application for your main site, a separate form will be sent to gather the information for each additional site. 

Total Amount
Organisation details
By foregoing your membership voting rights you will be unable to vote in membership trustee elections, matters of RJC policy and/or any other matters which we are legally required to present to our membership for approval including changes to our membership types. It does not affect your right to participate in RJC consultations or access other membership services.
Upload a logo or image to be displayed on any events, vacancies or online articles. The image should be no more than 300 pixels by 300 pixels in size.
If your billing information is different than above, please complete the following fields:
Your information - organisation's primary contact

Please note that selecting 'No Bulk Emails' will prevent the delivery of our bulletins and newsletters. The RJC will not pass your details onto any 3rd party without your permission.