Make a one off donation
Your donation helps us campaign for the widespread use of restorative justice.
A message from our CEO
The RJC's role is to set and champion clear standards for restorative practice. It ensures quality and supports those in the field to build on their capacity and accessibility. At the same time, the RJC raises public awareness and confidence in restorative processes. The ultimate aim of the RJC is to drive take-up and to enable safe, high quality restorative practice to develop and thrive.
Your donation will support the RJC to create a society where high quality restorative practice is available to all . I very much hope you will join us.
Jim Simon Chief Executive, The Restorative Justice Council
Donating by cheque
If you prefer to donate by cheque, please make it payable to the Restorative Justice Council Ltd and send it to us at
Rouen House
Road Road
with a covering note with your name and if there is a reason for your kind donation.
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