Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland awarded Registered Service Provider status
The RJC is pleased to announce that Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland have been awarded Registered Service Provider status.
Having first been awarded the Restorative Standards Quality Mark (RSQM) in 2018, Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland have continued to offer high quality restorative justice across the Cleveland Police Force Area.
The service offers victims the opportunity to have their voice heard and express the impact of crime to those who have caused harm. Practitioners ensure victims of crime are supported to make their own choices in communicating their experience and to seek answers to any questions they have, in order to help them move forward.
Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive said:
“I would like to congratulate Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland and their Registered Practitioners on their achievement. Being awarded Registered Status demonstrates the team are facilitating high quality, safe and effective restorative practice. Those considering accessing restorative justice can be confident that they will be supported by highly skilled practitioners.”
During the registration process, the service has been independently assessed against the RJC’s Registered Service Provider Framework which sets out how restorative service providers should work.
Senior leaders have ensured that restorative practice is an integral part of the service's strategic and operational planning. The service manager has embedded a robust programme of quality assurance to ensure safe and effective facilitation of restorative processes.
As part of their Service Provider Registration, three practitioners were assessed against the RJC’s Registered Practitioner Framework. We are delighted to confirm that Becky Childs and Paul Shaw have been awarded Advanced Registered Practitioner status. Alongside this, Lisa Fleming has been awarded Foundation Registered Practitioner status.
Becky Childs, Restorative Cleveland’s Service Manager said:
“We couldn't be prouder in achieving Registered Status with the RJC. All service users should be assured in the knowledge that they will be well informed, supported and empowered through access to a consistent high standard of intervention and practice. By committing to the offer of restorative service provision, that evidences the RJC's best practice guidance, brings service providers closer to meeting the recommendations made by the All-Party Parliamentary Group Inquiry into Restorative Practices and towards consistency in service for victims of crime, regardless of where they reside.”
To find out more about Safer Communities – Restorative Cleveland visit their website or contact them directly via email