The Mint House awarded Registered Training Provider status

The RJC is pleased to announce that The Mint House have been awarded Registered Training Provider status.

The Mint House, Oxford Centre for Restorative Practice, aims to raise awareness of, and access to, restorative practice across a range of settings.

Trainers are highly skilled in adapting training to meet the specific requirements of commissioners and course participants across a range of sectors

[RJC Registration Decision Report (Dec 21]

The Mint House became a training organisation in 2019. To date the majority of training has been commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council with courses including:

  • Introduction to Restorative Practice
  • Restorative Practice for Managers
  • Restorative Practice Practitioner Skills Course

More recently they have started to offer open access courses, notably:

  • Introduction to Restorative Practice for staff working in higher education

 Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive said:

“I am delighted that The Mint House have been awarded the RJC’s Registered Training Provider status. By meeting the standards set out in our Registered Training Provider Framework, course participants and commissioners can be confident in the quality of training being provided.”

Rosie Chadwick, The Mint House’s Chair of Trustees said:

“We're really pleased to become an RJC registered training provider. This external validation means those accessing or commissioning our training can have confidence in its quality. The RJC's standards framework also provides a great platform for continuing to develop and refine our training offer.”

To find out more about The Mint House visit their website or contact them directly via email