IVSTITIA case management system - "myRJ" formally endorsed by the RJC
IVSTITIA was founded in 2013 by experts from law enforcement agencies, education and correctional institutions across the globe with years of experience in Restorative Intervention and Practice. In partnership, and with investment from, the Ministry of Justice and the Restorative Justice Council, IVSTITIA have developed myRJ - a case management system that enables a collaborative, multi-agency approach.
myRJ is a secure dedicated Restorative Justice Case Management System that has been designed and developed by a specialist team which combines the best of technical minds with some of the leading Restorative Justice practitioners. Members from statutory and non-statutory agencies and organisations, who have collectively worked in Restorative Justice for well over 50 years, have brought their in-depth practical knowledge to the partnership.
Andrew Robbins .JP, Chief Executive Officer for IVSTITIA Limited said:
“Our Access to the Multi Award Winning myRJ system is based on an annual licence, with our price lock guarantee your account is price locked for 3 years to give you the ease to forecast and budget for the future. We hold several high-level security accreditations, The myRJ system has been assessed and accredited to store and process OFFICIAL and OFFICIAL-Sensitive information in accordance with HMG requirements (the Security Policy Framework) and CESG guidance. It has been assessed against the HMG Baseline Controls, which correspond to the good commercial practices described by ISO27001/2.
As part of the accreditation process, a Technical Risk Assessment has been produced by a CESG Listed Advisor Scheme (CLAS) consultant and an independent IT Security Health Check has been carried out.”
The myRJ Case Management system has been reviewed against our rigorous endorsement framework which has been developed to ensure that data is collected and stored, in line with GDPR and Confidentially laws, and that standard requirements for data reporting can be delivered in line with multiple sectors. Having successfully demonstrated that the system meets our endorsement criteria, the RJC are delighted to announce our endorsement of the myRJ Case Management system.
Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive said:
“The RJC are delighted to endorse the IVSTITIA Limited myRJ case management system. We would recommend it as a user friendly, intuitive and highly secure case management system. Being able to offer our members access to such a system will be of great benefit and ensure a more consistent approach to data recording and case management.”
Case Study – British Transport Police
Whilst organising our implementation plan for RSL it was clear that to enhance our service and to keep us competitive with other providers a MoJ accredited case management system would be a vital component to achieve the highest standard of service delivery.
After looking at other CMS’s it was apparent that the MyRJ CMS provided the most effective and efficient system for us to use and in addition offered multi agency and multi operator use. MyRJ now enables RSL to share information safely and securely between different agencies, a huge asset to our organisation as we move into an environment of collaborative restorative practice working.
Other benefits include its ability to mould high standards of recording by practitioners and can shape the pathway for high quality facilitation which can only serve to benefit any potential for individual or team CPD and accreditation.
The myRJ Data collection facility also provides valuable management information that will serve to enhance our service as well as provide vital data for our RSQM accreditation. It also has the ability to monitor all activity and demonstrate to stakeholders our performance based on statistics where ‘all work’ is captured.
Purchasing myRJ software
Accessing the myRJ system is based on an annual licence. This includes:
- UK Secure Accredited / Police Assured Hosting
- 24 / 7 Telephone Line Support
- Online Support Ticketing System
- Secure Backups and Disaster Recovery Restore
- GDPR compliant
- Cyber Essentials PLUS and IASME certification
- MoJ & PCC Reporting Template Builder (Drag and Drop Reporting)
- RJC Verified Reporting for returns and assessments
- Full Penetration Testing of the configuration
- Training Documents
- Training Videos
We are delighted to confirm that IVSTITIA Limited are offering an exclusive offer to all members of the Restorative Justice Council when signing up to myRJ. This offer will allow the RJC Membership exclusive benefits, features and options that are unavailable to anyone outside of the RJC membership including:
- 500 Free SMS credits
- 20% Discount on 1st years licence fee
- Free implementation & client onboarding
- Free virtual training package
- Free LMS RJ E-Learning Platform
To find out more about IVSTITIA’s myRJ software and take advantage of our exclusive member offer, visit their website or contact Andrew Robbins at andrew.robbins@myrj.co.uk
Endorsement Framework
It is important that any management information systems that are to be RJC endorsed for use by any organisation, service or individual person delivering restorative practices, adhere to our Registration Framework Standards and Practice Guidance Requirements
This will ensure the contribution to safe practice and that correct data will be collected and stored, in line with GDPR and Confidentially laws, and that standard requirements for data reporting can be delivered in line with multiple sectors
A review of the Orcuma FIRsT software demonstrated that it meets the following endorsement criteria
Recording Demographics
- Capacity, alongside the basic person identifying data (name, date of birth, address) to record further demographics such as Gender, Ethnicity, Belief, Sexual Orientation, Relationship status, Disability, Additional Needs, Mental Health, language barrier/Interpreter needed, in line with current recommended terminology
- Capacity to record any other protected characteristics and/or vulnerabilities
- It must use restorative language throughout wherever possible and be person centered, i.e. Harmed/Victim, Harmer/Offender, Supporter, Participants etc
- Must have the capacity to record details for individual participants separately
Data recording to be included
- Details of participants relevant to the case
- Details of staff or other individuals that access the case
- Details of the referral source (including harmed/harmer/professional initiated)
- Details of the Referring Agency
- Details of the type of Crime/Harm that has occurred, listed in accordance with the current MOJ crime type guidelines and any other relevant types of harm that may need to be referenced
- Details of whether the incident is classed as a complex and sensitive case, in line with the RJC definitions and guidance for what would constitute a complex and sensitive case
- Details of whether the harm was classed as serious and violent in line with the MOJ serious and violent strategy guidelines
- Details of whether it was a hate crime or incident and clear indication of the type of hate category
- Details of the sentence stage in respect of CJS cases, or the outcome that has been agreed for non-criminal justice cases i.e. post sentence, out of court disposal, community resolution or early help, early intervention, educational, young person diversion
- Flexible configuration to allow for quick changes due to statutory or MoJ legislation or local reporting needs
Ongoing case monitoring and evaluation
- Capacity to record secure case notes relevant to the case and participants
- Capacity to record separate Harmed/Victim and Harmer/Offender Needs assessments
- Capacity to record restorative interventions and restorative outcomes in line with the widely recommended restorative approaches that are used within restorative practice i.e. Restorative conversations, restorative face to face meetings, shuttle mediation, Letters of apology or explanation, restorative circles
- Capacity to record Outcome monitoring and participant and referral agency case evaluation feedback
- Capacity to record signposting details to other agencies
- Capacity to record practitioner/staff/volunteer activity hours and to record quality assurance and case supervision hours
- The use of actions to be able to track progress with external providers or commissioned services
Non-functional requirements
- Facility to report securely and anonymously on all demographic data including protected characteristics, crime/harm type, referral initiated by, referral source, location of crime/harm/incident, location of referrer, sensitive or complex, serious and violent, outcome monitoring, evaluation feedback, activity hours, restorative interventions, restorative outcomes, signposting
- To be able to utilise different methods of data display and visualisations
- To have a secure reporting warehouse function
- Ease of report production and publishing
- Secure access to reports
- Reports to be embedded into CMS
- Harmed, harmer cases and participants search capabilities and export for ad-hoc reports, wondered about mentioning each client having a unique ID to reduce duplication and easy retrieval
Data security
- Must be accredited to Cyber Essentials Plus and IASME
- Must be cloud hosted and must be able to prove that prove the cloud provider is ISO27001 compliant
- Must be compliant with the 14 UK Government cyber security principles
User security
- Accessible to individual users and individually password protected
- Management facility to audit system and report on internal usage
- Facility for in-house staff with permission to support with password resets
- Facility to store staff details
- Use of strong password protocols and 2FA
- Permissions levels to lock down data access on system in line with GDPR to ensure that only relevant people have access to that data
- Capacity to store data sensitive documents securely
- Keep participant, staff and referring agency personal information securely stored in line with data protection legislation and GDPR guidelines
- The ability to edit personal data and anonymize records in line with GDPR in the event of a participant withdrawing consent
- Capacity to archive and delete data in line with organisations' GDPR guidelines
- The ability to lock down cases to named allocated practitioner(s) and/or named service manager(s)
- Must have a configurable and flexible security, role and data access model and must be able to go from organisation level down to field level. Roles must be able to prevent users seeing data in line with GDPR requirements
Additional criteria
- Facility to store and generate secure letter templates and populate them with system data
- Each participant must have a unique ID to reduce duplication and easy retrieval
- Ability to merge and remove duplicate participants
- Recorded customer surveys / feedback data
- Facility to send notification of case emails to staff to ensure no drift and delay
- Facility to allocate case action requirements for practitioners if needed
- Ability to brand the software with the RJC logo and RJC’s client logo
- Secure, online referral capacity to eliminate duplicate entry of data
- Support texting and email of appointments to participants
Incident management
- Must provide incident management facilities of a dedicated email address and telephone service 0900-1700 Mon to Fri (excluding public bank holidays)
- Must provide incident management ticketing to allow for management of incidents 365/24/7
- Must provide self-service incident management portal for client self-servicing
- Must be able to provide an incident management SLA with incident management priority levels and defined escalation procedures
Insurance and Registrations
- Must hold Cyber Essentials PLUS and IASME accreditation
- Must have appropriate insurance policy in place
- Must be able to procure based on software provider’s own terms and conditions
- Where appropriate, procurement should be available via the UK Government’s Crown Commercial Service G-Cloud offering current iteration or one previous