Dr Terence Bevington receives the RJC’s Significant Contribution Award for 2023

Terence has 25 years' experience in a multitude of roles in the public education system ranging from teacher to researcher and consultant. He has been practising restoratively for 12 years and is a Registered Practitioner with the RJC.

He has facilitated a wide range of restorative cases with children, adults, families and professionals. He also has extensive experience of working strategically with schools and other organisations and is an expert in the field of evaluating the use of restorative practice.

Terence has published his work in academic articles, chapters and a book co-authored with his PhD supervisor, Professor Hilary Cremin (Cambridge). He has also presented his work and research at numerous international conferences in the UK, Australia, Turkey, Colombia and Spain.

Terence’s commitment to restorative approaches and conflict transformation has evolved over the course of his 25 years as an educationalist. He has gained a solid practical grounding in the realities of school-life and the often untapped potential for conflict to bring learning and growth.

Terence is a true lifelong learner having achieved Distinctions in three Master’s degrees. More recently he was awarded his PhD by the University of Cambridge. The focus of his Doctoral research was ‘Everyday peace in schools.’

When researching Terence’s career online I came across his biography in which he says that the partnerships he has developed within his work are built on values of integrity, trust and challenge.

This immediately took me back to my first ever conversation with Terence just a few days after being appointed to my post in April 2019.

During this conversation it was clear to me that Terence was dismayed with the RJC’s strategic direction and the lack of connection the RJC had with its members. It would be fair to say that at the time, this was a fair assessment of the organisation.

I recall asking Terence to give me time to make the changes I felt were needed to get the RJC back on track. It was an opportunity that he graciously gave me, and we agreed we would revisit this conversation in 12 month’s time. Six years on, we’ve never spoken again about his concerns and Terence remains a strong advocate of the RJC.

Over the past year, I have had the privilege of working closely with Terence to deliver the All-Party Parliamentary investigation report into the use of restorative practice in education, health and social care.

Without his deep understanding of restorative practices, his willingness to enter constructive debate and his extensive knowledge of research and evaluation, I’m not sure we would have presented such a robust report.

On a personal level, Terence has always been incredibly supportive. At a time when the RJC was a team of one, his regular check-in emails, concerned only for my well-being, were always gladly received. For that, I thank Terence sincerely.

Terence’s commitment and dedication to our sector exemplifies the very nature of this award and it was my honour to present him with this accolade.