Calm Mediation awarded Registered Service Provider status

The RJC is pleased to announce that Calm Mediation have been awarded Registered Service provider status for London based restorative service.

Calm Mediation have been providing restorative justice services since 2005 and were first awarded the RJC’s Restorative Service Quality Mark in 2016. As the commissioned restorative justice service for London, their case work primarily originates from the capital although they work across the country.

Jim Simon, the RJC’s chief executive said:

“I would like to congratulate Calm Mediation and their Registered Practitioners on this achievement. Being awarded Registered Status demonstrates the team are facilitating high quality, safe and effective restorative practice. Those considering accessing restorative justice can be confident that they will be supported by highly skilled practitioners.

During the registration process, the service has been independently assessed against the RJC’s Registered Service Provider Framework which sets out how restorative service providers should work.

Calm Mediation are committed to ensuring the practitioners facilitate high quality, safe and effective restorative practice.

RJC Registration Decision Report (Dec 22)

Throughout their assessment, leaders demonstrated that processes are in place to enable high quality, safe and effective restorative practice to take place. In addition to ensuring that internal policies and procedures provide staff and volunteers with tools to effectively facilitate restorative processes, it was extended to their commitment to ensuring that practitioners had access to continued professional development to enhance their skills and better support those accessing their restorative services.

As part of their Service Provider Registration, eleven practitioners were assessed against the RJC’s Registered Practitioner Framework. We are delighted to confirm that Janet Clark and Victoria Bean have been awarded Advanced Registered Practitioner status. Penny Coase, Letitia Stenning, Kate Sumpter and Mary Gibson have been awarded Intermediate Registered Practitioner status. Alongside this, Bini Slingsby, Karen Anderson, Patricia Campbell and Jane Harris have been awarded Foundation Registered practitioner status.

Julie Clark, Restorative Service Manager, Calm Mediation said:

‘As the commissioned RJ Service for London, Calm Mediation are very proud to be recognised by the RJC for our commitment to providing safe, high quality restorative services, underpinned by robust policies and procedures. This reflects the commitment of the RJ Team, Senior Management and Trustees to provide quality of service across the organisation.’

To find out more about accessing Calm Mediation’s restorative services, contact the team on 0300 102 3031 or email  You can also find further information on their website.